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Windows Installer
12-17-2015 10:13 PM Last release of 2015 QuNect.exe
12-08-2014 03:38 PM Last release of 2014 QuNect.exe
01-02-2014 11:33 PM Last release of QuNect ODBC 2013 for QuickBase. QuNect.exe
01-07-2013 08:57 PM This is the first release of the 2013 product. DELETE FROM tablename now performs orders of magnitude faster! In SQL Server that applies to DELETE FROM QuickBase."Application_Name".."Application_Name:_Table_Name". However beware that TRUNCATE TABLE QuickBase."Application_Name".."Application_Name:_Table_Name" does not work. SQL Server does not support the TRUNCATE TABLE statement on linked servers!  
01-07-2013 08:56 PM This is the last release of the 2012 product. QuNect.exe
02-14-2012 11:43 AM File attachment fields are now 511 characters in SQL Server Now you can specify to allow all characters or MS Access allowed characters in field and table names. This is the first 2012 version. 32 and 64 bit products have been collapsed into one product.
02-14-2012 09:07 AM This is the last release of the 2011 product. Can connect to behind the firewall servers now . The DSN setting for Letters, underscores, numbers, hyphens and spaces was being ignored so that only letters, numbers and underscores were being displayed.

11-18-2011 09:20 AM 
Fixed bug with UPDATE queries in MS Access. Moved the clist set from the LPSTMT level to the lpQDBTableDef level. Also bypassing the Node Comparison if all criteria and sorts were pushed down. 
Fixed bug that caused the catalog filter to fail. This caused problems in Excel and Visio. 
Now works with Crystal Reports 11. 
DSN config dialog now allows setting of which characters appear in field names. 
DROP TABLE will work with a parent dbid but it will try to find the child table with a matching alias. If it can't it will report an error. In no case will it delete an application. 
MS Access export of all numeric field types except Replication ID now works.
DROP Table now works but not for applications, only for tables. This is to prevent MS Access from deleting the application it's trying to create a table within. 
DROP Table now works but not for MS Access. This is to prevent MS Access from deleting the application it's trying to create a table within. 
Export from MS Access to QuickBase now works with Long Integer fields.
Export from MS Access to QuickBase now works.
Cleaned up the calls to predicatePushedDown. Reworked the traversal of the sort tree.
Reworked the traversal of the criteria tree.
Checking for pushdown criteria and sorts before assuming that we can fetch only the rids via a rid list.
Now SELECT statements that have only the built-in field Record ID# as the result column will only need to fetch the ridlist via API_GenResultsTable, which will really speed things up.
Now single row QDBPrepare statements like SELECT @@IDENTITY use a RID of zero and a FID of zero.
Just getting the rid uses only the rid list.
Now if the only thing you need is the RID it uses the RidList instead of fetching the record.
The list of fields for each table is now stored at the statement level instead of at the connection level.
QDBPrepare now does the parsing and uses the parser exclusively to determine if there is a possible optimization for the COUNT aggregate.
SELECT count(1) FROM a single table with no where clause is optimized.
Underscores in table search pattern are properly unescaped.
Fixed the scalar REPLACE function.
Criteria are pushed down to QuickBase even when doing joins now.
Better error for columns missing from GROUP BY column list.
Can delete current revision of file attachments and error message for trial expiration displays the QuickBase username of the user whose trial is expiring.
IN clause did not work with text fields.
You can put hyphens back in field names with connection string parameter FIELDNAMEHYPHENS.
Criteria are pushed down to QuickBase again after they were not pushed down starting in rev 152, except in the case of a JOIN. So userfields whose value is a screenname will not match to an email address supplied via the where clause when doing a JOIN. But on simple SELECTs it should work fine.
FLOOR on a negative number no longer causes an end of buffer overwrite error.
Scalar function replace now throws an error if you try to operate on fields with more than 65535 characters of data.
Scalar function replace now throws an error if you try to operate on fields with more than 255 characters of data.
Hyphens are no longer part of field names or table names.
ifdef a line of code that was windows specific so that it would compile in Linux.
This is for Unix builds only.
Added icons in the Start menu for ODBC Admin panel
Date Modified field is not Nullable just like Record ID#
Illegal XML characters are converted to spaces.
No you can do round trips with file attachments.
SELECT TOP now works with four part names in SQL Server
Can name a proxy server explicitly now.
lpQDBTableDef->iRecordsToSkip is not incremented by one before comparison
Simplified QuickBaseClient::rewind. No special case for record id.
Fixed a potential bug in QuickBaseClient::rewind.
Fixed a bad bug in QuickBaseClient::rewind. This caused things to crash.
Fixed a bad underflow bug in QuickBaseClient::rewind. This caused things to hang.
Now if the rewind counter is greater than 1 we don't dump the table cache.
The compares are done now even when a criteria has been pushed down to QuickBase.
Join optimization code was not coordinated with push down of criteria to QuickBase.
Fixed crash due to iterator increment beyond end of vector in record fetching.
Will not get tripped up on quotes inside square brackets or vice versa. Also Long table names will not screw up MS Access.
Now sorting keeps the table cache from being cleared which had been causing a bug.
SUBSTRING function negative argument for length counts back from the end of the string for the stopping point.
SUBSTRING function now accepts a negative argument for length and will produce an empty string if the arguments are out of bounds.
Fixed a memory leak in the UNIX versions due to not doing an SSL_free.
This is the first release of the Mac 2011 version!
Can download all revisions of file attachments.
12-30-2010 10:59 AM This is the new 2011 version of QuNect ODBC for QuickBase! It has a superior ODBC Control Panel Configuration dialog. The new dialog lets you test your connection with a simple button click. So you can tell right away if your username, password, uniqueURL and proxy settings are correct without leaving the dialog.

Also you can now download not just the current revision of file attachment fields but all the revisions. This can be configured from the new ODBC Control Panel Configuration dialog. The new dialog makes it easy to browse to the directory where you want the files downloaded!

Also, for all of you who need an invariant identifier for you QuickBase users, there is now an option to have user fields show the QuickBase uid instead of the user's email address or screenname.

For those of you that purchased QuNect ODBC for QuickBase on or after June 30th, 2010 you can have your license converted for free from:

QuNect ODBC 2010 for QuickBase


QuNect ODBC 2011 for QuickBase

to request a free conversion please email or call 978-405-2524. Please include your license number which can be found in the email confirmation you received upon purchase.

For those of you that purchased before June 30th, 2010 you can pay 40% of the cost of a new license to upgrade. To upgrade please send an email to or call 978-405-2524. Please include your license number which can be found in the email confirmation you received upon purchase.
12-30-2010 10:50 AM This is the last release of the 2010 version of QuNect ODBC for QuickBase.
SELECT TOP now works with SQLExtendedFetch
SQLFetchScroll now works with an array of rows and with SQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTE this is important when doing a DELETE in SQL Server with a four part name and a WHERE clause.
When connecting to SQL Server text fields can go as large as 65536.
Now any error connecting to the license table will cause an error on connection.
Made QuNect behave the same way for MSQuery and MS Access.
Using cbTableName in SQLSpecialColumns.
String literals are now at 65535 in length double what they were before. Also you can do a select and see application variables.
Default text field size is 65535 instead of 32K.
Accepts dates and timestamps like this:

{d '2010-6-6'}

{ts '2010-6-6 3:3:3'}
For UPDATEs as well as INSERTs the error message for string literals that are too long is now very explicit and returns the first few hundred characters of the string that is too long.
Better error messages for service interruption situations.
Better error messages for situations where the licensing database does not exist.
ADO now will not stumble on null NUMERIC fields (fields in QuickBase with a fixed number of decimal places).
Better error messages especially for type mismatches.
QDBCommitTxn now reports errors correctly on CSVImport that were reported as No ErrorNoError.
Blocking of fetching rows is now done only for SQL Server. This had been causing a problem with PHP.
Added retrieval of Content-Type header to the UNIX code.
Better error messages for openSSL code in Unix.
getTableCatalogName now uses API_GetSchema instead of API_GrantedDBs.
Now handling Record ID# fields that have commas turned on.
Multi-line text fields are now always SQL_VARCHAR instead of SQL_LONGVARCHAR
Now username is output in trial expiration message. Also there is a connection string option to display uids instead of emails in user fields.
Now username and password is output on Invalid username and password error messages. Also better error messages when you have incorrect date, time or timestamp formats.
USEFIDS was being applied in all cases.
Bad password message now contains the MS Windows user and domain.
Parameters pulled from the ODBC,INI file can now be as long as 255 characters instead of just 63 characters. This matters for the FILEPATH parameter.
Error messages replace the file URL when writing file attachments to disk does not happen properly.
Error messages replace the file URL when creating directories for writing file attachments to disk does not happen properly.
Now the bad password error message tells you the QuNect product name. Also the [QuNect][QuickBase] prefix is replaced with [QuNect][HTTP] when HTTP errors occur.
The writing of a file attachment to disk error message now reports who the user is that is attempting the write operation.
Fixed bug caused by API_GenResultsTable only returning the first 1000 rows instead of all rows.
05-14-2010 08:20 AM Proxy detection is tried only once per connection if there is no proxy to detect. Also fixed bug if credentials needed to be supplied.
Proxy detection is tried only if the DSN configuration DETECTPROXY is not "0". Also personal certificates are added to the request if necessary. The certificate store is searched by the username.
Ignore missing files for file upload is now a checkbox in the DSN configuration interface.
Fixed bug in file upload code that resulted in all file uploads being ignored after the first missing file was encountered even though IGNOREMISSINGFILE was set.
Now you can do a CREATEOQ query with openquery in SQL Server.
04-16-2010 10:59 PM Fixed an access violation that caused very infrequent crashes. Now date time fields are inserted as UTC time so it doesn't matter what time zone your computer is in. Visio now works with Application and table names that have special characters in them.
{fn Length("Multi-line text field")} now works. Also timestamps are decoded properly before 1/1/1970. Proxy detection now works from a PAC script.
02-12-2010 04:43 PM This is the first release of the 2010 QuNect ODBC for QuickBase product. In MS Access, multi-line text fields are 65,535 characters in length compared to half that in earlier releases. ALTER TABLE statements are supported to set the primary key and foreign keys. CREATE TABLE statements now allow you to specify the primary key. When using the FILEPATH option on the connection string the file attachment field shows the file URL to the local copy on disc instead of an HTTPS URL to the file attachment on the QuickBase server.  
02-08-2010 08:36 AM This is the last release for the 2009 product.
Proxy settings are detected automatically.
Table names are now truncated to 63 characters in MS Access.
Filemaker now imports more than just the first row.
FetchScroll now works with multiple rows at a time.
Missing last n last rows with SPSS now working properly.
SQLExtendedFetch now works with arrays of rows.
SQLExtendedFetch now works with row-wise binding.
Percent fields now increase the precision by two.
Now the cache is dumped only if all cursors on a connection handle are forward only. Previously only the statement handle was checked for the type of cursor.
Realm users can now login without having an account in the realm or if their password is different in the realm!
Field names can end with the USER keyword and SQL Server updates with four part names now work because we're only checking the Record ID and the Date Modified fields instead of all the fields.
Now binary field sizes are report as 16 bytes larger than they really are to satisfy MSDASQL so it doesn't underallocate the buffer size. 
Keyset does not cause all cells to be loaded any longer. This greatly improves efficiency for SQL Server INSERTs.
11-04-2009 07:23 PM Fixed the dates and timestamps before 1/1/1970. For instance 3/1/1966 got converted to 2/29/1966 which is an illegal date.  
08-18-2009 09:08 AM Modifications to file attachment fields were not reflected immediately. That has been addressed.

New TIMEZONEOFFSET connection string parameter allows one to specify in minutes the difference between the time zone of the computer running QuNect ODBC for QuickBase and the time zone of the QuickBase account. Most often there is no difference. But businesses that operate in multiple time zones may need to use this capablity.

CREATE TABLE now pays attention to the length of text fields and the number of decimal places for numeric fields.

Getting a table schema now caches the error codes so that if a request for a schema fails due to permissions or other problems the request is never repeated. This helps improve performance.

Trying to delete records without the necessary permissions caused an access violation/segmentation fault. This has been addressed.

Inserting or updating large numbers of records caused an access violation/segmentation fault. This has been addressed.
08-18-2009 09:00 AM All UPDATEs and INSERTs are now done as part of a transaction.  
08-18-2009 08:59 AM CREATE TABLE is now implemented.  
08-18-2009 08:58 AM Made changes to accommodate Sparc 64 Solaris 10.  
07-02-2009 12:20 PM Now NUMERIC fields which are those where the DECIMAL PLACES field property in QuickBase is set to something other than blank will not report truncation errors if the number of digits exceeds 19. Instead the number will be reported as nineteen nines with the decimal place so that there are the correct number of decimal places and with a minus sign if it's a negative number.  
06-30-2009 11:46 AM QuickBase field names retain more special characters within MS Access than before. Now only square brackets, period, exclamation and back tick ([]!.`) are replaced with underscores.  
06-17-2009 02:24 PM Now automatically discovers proxy configurations. This helps in corporate environments where direct connections to the Internet are not allowed.  
06-01-2009 08:58 PM Connection string parameter QUICKBASESERVER was not cleaned up properly if it included the protocol as a prefix as in  
05-25-2009 07:34 AM MS Access now performs DELETEs as part of a transaction which greatly improves performance and allows the user to rollback DELETE's when prompted.  
05-23-2009 09:48 PM MS Access now presents a meaningful error message when application tokens are missing or the wrong application token is presented.  
05-23-2009 12:02 PM Better error messages when a transaction fails. This is important with MS Access and SQL Server.  
05-22-2009 10:45 AM APPEND and UPDATE queries in MS Access and UPDATE SQL statements using four part names in SQL Server will run hundreds of times faster now.  
05-16-2009 08:59 AM When inserting or updating text fields with upper ASCII characters those characters would be replaced with a period character. This is no longer the case.  
05-12-2009 04:41 PM When using Microsoft Access with a table that had field names with more than 63 characters you would get an "ODBC call failed" error message. QuNect ODBC for QuickBase now truncates field names to 63 characters only when used with MS Access.  
05-11-2009 05:31 PM If you used a WHERE clause on a text field and compared it to NULL without the connection string parameter TEXTNULL=1 then you would get a crash. You no longer crash but without the TEXTNULL=1 connection string parameter text fields will never be null.  
05-07-2009 01:21 PM When adding or updating records and supplying a local path to a file as the value of a file attachment field, if an error occurs because of the edit or addition of the record (for example a required value is not specified or a unique field violation ie encountered) then the error message and code that was returned was "No Error". This has been addressed.  
05-06-2009 08:29 AM If a DSN-less connection is used without specifying a QUICKBASESERVER parameter then you will get an access violation in some cases. Now is used as the QUICKBASESERVER if the parameter is not specified.  
04-30-2009 01:44 PM If records are deleted in the process of fetching them, instead of presenting a placeholder record with all null values in the result set, the deleted record is skipped over and never appears in the result set.  
04-28-2009 07:45 PM When pushing timestamps to QuickBase they were converted to GMT. This started in release This was done to make WHERE clauses behave properly. But this broke INSERT statements. The reason for this discrepancy is that Date/Time fields in QuickBase are output by the API in GMT. However on input the Date/Times are interpreted in the localtime of the QuickBase account.

With this release WHERE clauses and INSERT statements handle timestamp data correctly.
04-28-2009 12:11 PM When accessing record sets with more than 1024 records and one or more records is modified in the record set that effects the sort order of the record set as stipulated by the current SQL statement then you could get a crash due to dereferencing an invalid iterator. This is no longer the case.  
04-24-2009 05:00 PM This is the first release of the new 2009 version of QuNect ODBC for QuickBase. 

It uses 60 percent less memory than the 2008 version. This allows it to be used in stored procedures that download gigabytes of data.

Users who purchased their 2008 version on or after 10/24/2008 are entitled to a free upgrade to the 2009 version.
Please contact to get your free upgrade.

Users who purchased their 2008 version prior to 10/24/2008 will be required to pay 40% of the equivalent 2009 version.

Also fixes a bug that caused updates on the first 1024*n records to be ignored.
03-11-2009 11:40 AM Unconfigured lookup fields no longer cause problems.

Now in addition to flushing the schema cache you flush the table cache when you

Now you can have the ON keyword in field names with SQL Server 2000 and you won't get a parsing error.

Passwords longer than 20 characters will produce a specific warning.
03-10-2009 03:26 PM HTTPS timeouts are now retried 3 times before an error is returned.  
02-24-2009 09:04 AM Now the precision of text lookup fields are determined by the precision of the field they ultimately pull data from.  
02-21-2009 11:11 AM SQLForeignKeys is much more efficient and robust because QuickBase supplies an app_id as part of API_GetSchema. QuNect takes advantage of this. Also and versions did not return any foreign keys. That bug has been addressed.  
01-21-2009 05:13 PM Added ability to configure a DSN with application tokens via the QuNect ODBC for QuickBase DSN UI.  
01-15-2009 05:13 PM Fixed a bug that prevented all foreign keys from being returned by SQLForeignKeys. This means that Visio had trouble displaying relationships across applications.  
01-14-2009 09:28 PM Linked tables in MS Access stopped working and resulted in an invalid username password error message. This release reestablishes control of your passwords for your linked tables in MS Access to your DSN. You no longer have to have MS Access save the password when you create the linked table.
01-02-2009 12:47 PM Accommodates the new type and format for user fields that will be released in January 2009. This is a mandatory upgrade for all QuNect ODBC for QuickBase users.  
12-31-2008 11:54 AM If you created a new record with a file attachment, the @@IDENTITY functionality would not recognize the new record. This has been addressed.  
12-31-2008 11:36 AM Fixed an access violation that occured when setting the duration parameter on the connection string.  
12-18-2008 04:45 PM Previous release ignored username and password that the driver prompted for.  
12-17-2008 05:54 PM Support for application tokens.  
12-08-2008 05:32 PM Screenames are now translated to UIDs when making updates or inserts so that placeholders are not created under certain conditions. If on the same connection you have retrieved a screenname then you can use that screenname in an INSERT or UPDATE statement to set the value of a user field without creating a placeholder.  
12-06-2008 08:54 AM Accommodates the new Eureka Maximum Length feature of text fields. Also works with Visio's Database Reverse Engineering feature.  
12-01-2008 09:56 PM Fixed a bug in XML escaping of upper ASCII characters which affected joins on text fields containing upper ASCII characters. Also affected WHERE clauses with upper ASCII characters.

Fixed a bug in the Linux version that caused improper parsing of XML and segmentation faults as well as bad data and spurious repeating of records.
11-26-2008 12:09 PM QuickBase Date/Time fields which in SQL are known as Timestamp fields are now presented in the local time of the machine running the QuNect ODBC for QuickBase driver. Previously they were presented in GMT aka Greenwich Mean Time.  
11-20-2008 11:21 AM The capablility for quoting values in the connection string has been removed. In its place any password that is received via the connection string will have space characters replaced with semicolons. QuickBase does not allow spaces in the password. ODBC does not allow semicolons in passwords. So if your QuickBase password has a semicolon in it and you get an Invalid username or password error or an invalid connection string error from QuNect ODBC for QuickBase try entering your password again but with all semicolons substituted with spaces.  
11-19-2008 09:53 PM If a password started with a double quote or a single quote and did not end with a matching double or single quote the driver would hang in an infinite loop upon connecting. This has been addressed.  
11-19-2008 06:08 PM If connecting to QuickBase fails for any reason the connection is attempted again by reparsing the query string. The second parsing of the query string regards either single quote or double quote at the beginning of the parameter value as indication that there may be a semicolon in the value. The next occurence of a matching single or double quote is considered the end of the value.  
11-13-2008 04:53 PM Performance improvement when accessing large amounts of data or inserting large amounts of data. qdbODBC.dll
11-11-2008 11:52 AM Fixes a stack overflow when using the driver with SSIS. qdbODBC.dll
11-05-2008 03:04 PM A new connection string parameter allows configuration of duration fields. Previously duration fields (a numeric field) presented the number of milliSeconds. And when updated or inserted the supplied number was interpreted as days. With no connection string parameter of DURATION= this behaviour remains unchanged. However if the DURATION parameter is set to either:

Both inputs and outputs to the numeric duration fields will be interpreted in those units.
11-04-2008 08:35 PM Precision of input to QuickBase duration fields has been increased.  
10-29-2008 06:50 PM connection string parameter CROSSAPP if not empty allows SQLForeignKeys to scan all tables instead of just tables within the same application. This allows discovery of cross application relationships. If you have access to alot of tables (> 100) then this can take several minutes.  
10-28-2008 10:46 PM SQLForeignKeys now reports on cross application relationships in addition to interapplication relationships. Also SQLProcedures is now implemented but always returns zero rows. This makes for a better user experience with DTM Data Modeler.  
10-21-2008 12:18 PM More detailed error messages upon deleting records.  
10-21-2008 10:05 AM Fixed lack of detail in error messages. Fixed access violation when accessing a table from one realm while logged into another realm.  
10-09-2008 09:23 AM Fixed a bug that caused a crash when accessing a dbid that belonged to Unique URL like from  
09-19-2008 03:40 PM This release removes dependence on Microsoft's XMLDOM.  
09-19-2008 03:39 PM Text fields that were being reported to have a maximum length of 255 characters contained up to 256 characters. This release fixed this problem.  
09-19-2008 03:38 PM This release fixed a bug that caused upper ASCII characters like:


to appear as two characters like this:

09-06-2008 10:55 AM The QUICKBASESERVER on the connection string or the QuickBase Server setting established by configuring a DSN can be of the forms:

previously only the latter would have worked.
09-03-2008 07:39 AM Software maintenance. No bug fixes or features.  
09-03-2008 07:38 AM More accurately detects the difference between a server and desktop operating system.  
07-16-2008 05:12 PM Trial start, trial expiration or trial expiration warnings will no longer attempt to popup a message box while QuNect ODBC for QuickBase is running under SQL Server. qdbODBC.dll
07-11-2008 09:53 AM You can set a registry value like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


to specify that QuickBase file attachment fields are to be treated as binary fields. This is in addition to being able to specify this on the connection string like this:


Also small performance improvements have been made.
07-09-2008 03:04 PM This release fixes a bug that caused multi-line text fields to appear with only their last line. Also SQL parsing error messages now indicate the proximity of the error. qdbODBC.dll
06-18-2008 01:39 PM This release strips out all Report Link fields and all Formula URL fields. The fields are invisible now to the QuNect ODBC for QuickBase driver. The rationale is that these fields are really only for UI purposes when QuickBase is used from within a web browser. These fields often contained a "z" parameter in their URL that changed on every call. This would make it impossible to properly run a query to retrieve an existing record based on a prior query of the table's data. SQL Server when accessing QuickBase via the four part naming convention uses this technique to specify records for updates and deletes.

Also blank currency fields were being returned as ".00" instead of null. This has been addressed.
06-17-2008 07:51 AM File attachments can be made to appear as binary fields. This is accomplished using a connection string parameter


You can download and upload file attachments using the binary field. Unfortunately you cannot specify the filename when uploading a file attachment. The file is given the filename:


where fid is the field identifier of the file attachment field. Also on download the file attachment's filename is not stored anywhere in the field. However one can create a formula text field whose formula is simply:

ToText([File Attachment Field Name])

This will evaluate to the file attachment's file name.

Also the TOP keyword would override the setting of SQL_ATTR_MAX_ROWS and persist across statements on the same statement handle. Now SQL_ATTR_MAX_ROWS can be set independently of the TOP value in a select statement. The lower value wins. Only the SQL_ATTR_MAX_ROWS setting persists between statements on the same statement handle.

Also fixed a small defect that manifiested itself in version on SELECT statements returning a file attachment field. The column to the left of the file attachment field returned nulls when there was data.
06-14-2008 05:42 PM Fixes a bug that manifested itself when using MS Excel. In MS Excel there are two ways to connect with an ODBC Data Source. When using the Data Connection Wizard there were no tables to display under any circumstances. This has been resolved. the MS Query route to ODBC data continues to work normally.  
06-10-2008 10:41 PM Fixes a bug in that dropped one table name from the list of tables.  
06-10-2008 09:37 PM Fixes a bug in that cropped up if table names contained upper ASCII characters.  
06-10-2008 06:47 PM Fixes a bug in that caused an infinite loop when connecting to a Unique URL enabled account. i.e.  
06-04-2008 04:19 PM Improved performance when used with SSIS's DataReader Source object and QuNect ODBC for QuickBase connection string parameter threadmodel set to MTA.  
06-03-2008 08:49 AM Since joins were working incorrectly. If you had no matching records across the join for a particular record you would get a crash. Also under certain circumstances you would miss certain join opportunities.  
05-26-2008 01:51 PM INSERTs of thousands of records will perform up to three times faster.  
05-21-2008 08:27 AM A SELECT retrieving more than 1024 rows followed by an INSERT on the same table on the same connection would fail with a null pointer violation. Or two SELECTs of less than 1024 rows on the same table on the same connection followed by an INSERT on the same table would cause a null pointer exception.  
05-20-2008 09:34 PM A null pointer error crashed the driver when retrieving error messages.  
05-19-2008 04:27 PM A new scalar function LastError() returns the last error message from QuNect ODBC for QuickBase.

You could log errors to a QuickBase application by running the following SQL:

INSERT INTO yourdbid (YourTextFieldNameOrFID) values ({fn lasterror()})
05-19-2008 04:22 PM On Windows Server without MSXML6 (a rare if non-existant situation) QuNect ODBC for QuickBase would try to use WinHTTP instead of WinINET. Now WinINET is the default in this situation and WinHTTP will only be used if specified on the connection string or in the registry.  
05-17-2008 08:52 AM Makes the use of the WinHTTP stack optional with a connection string parameter or a registry setting. The connection string parameter is WINHTTP and it can be set to any non empty value to indicate that QuNect ODBC for QuickBase should use the WinHTTP stack instead of the WinINET stack.  
05-17-2008 08:50 AM Uses the WinHTTP stack on all Windows Server installations. This stack can cause thread marshalling errors with some applications. The following release (  backs out this change and makes the use of the WinHTTP stack optional with a connection string parameter or a registry setting.  
05-15-2008 04:29 PM When using QuNect ODBC for QuickBase on a Windows Server all SSL certificate errors are ignored when communicating with QuickBase.  
05-15-2008 11:19 AM The server version of the product now uses XMLServerHTTP instead of XMLHTTP for communication with QuickBase.  
05-15-2008 10:28 AM Greatly reduced memory usage when using a forward only cursor.  
05-20-2008 10:35 PM This was never made public.  
05-09-2008 02:21 AM SSIS Data Flow tasks containing a DataReaderSource would terminate with errors in post execution phase even though


was on the connection string. This connection string parameter was being ignored. Now there are no longer any post execution errors and data flow tasks complete normally provided threadmodel=MTA; is on the connection string.
04-28-2008 02:16 PM Trailing spaces at the very end of certain SQL statements were ending up as part of identifiers, particularly table identifiers. This caused an error to be reported that the table could not be found. Now QuNect ODBC for QuickBase properly removes all trailing whitespace from identifiers in SQL statements.  
04-28-2008 10:46 AM A new function returns the Record ID# value of the record most recently created by the current QuNect ODBC for QuickBase connection. This function is called IDENTITY and takes no arguments. Also you can now pass two SQL statements to SQLExecDirect. These statements have to be separated by a semicolon. Only the last statement can return a result set. This is an example of a SQL statement that uses the IDENTITY function to create a master record and attach a detail record.

INSERT INTO "Master Table bce33vr7t" ("Master Text Field")
VALUES ('This is the master record'); INSERT INTO "Details Table bce33vr7s" ("Detail Text Field", "Reference Field")
VALUES ('This is the detail record', {fn IDENTITY()})
04-27-2008 12:15 PM MS Word mail merge only merged the first two records of any table. This is due to a bug in the way MS Word tries to use bookmarks. QuNect ODBC for QuickBase now automatically disables bookmarks when connected to MS Word. Mail merges work properly.  
04-26-2008 02:35 PM Bug fix for joins where there were non-matching records. This condition used to cause a crash.  
04-26-2008 01:39 PM Now you can use functions in the ORDER BY clause like this:

SELECT fieldname1, fieldname2 FROM tablename ORDER BY {fn RAND()}

This allows you to do random sorting.
04-24-2008 10:10 PM When joining tables where the matching fields contained nulls you ended up with spurious records. This is no longer the case.  
04-18-2008 01:19 PM Reduced memory consumption and four times faster performance on INSERTs and UPDATEs with tens of thousands of records.  
04-18-2008 11:02 AM For all you SQL Server fans, QuNect ODBC for QuickBase now supports the SQL statement:


This returns a result set with one row and one column whose value is the latest Record ID# of the most recently inserted record by the current connection with QuNect ODBC for QuickBase.
04-16-2008 11:47 AM Major performance improvement (5 times faster) for queries that return or update tens of thousands of records. Also fixed a bug that could effect the correctness of WHERE clauses containing both ANDs and ORs.  
04-15-2008 03:31 PM Small performance enhancements.  
04-07-2008 04:08 PM Version numbers are now displayed a little differently. Also lookup fields and summary fields are reported as read only.  
03-21-2008 12:24 PM Fixes bugs that occurred when more than 100 criteria appeared in a WHERE clause. Also fixed a bug when calling SQLColumns with a table pattern like this:


this happens with Crystal Reports 8 and resulted in a no columns found for all QuickBase tables.
03-20-2008 02:08 PM A select statement like this did not work:

SELECT "table1"."Record ID" foobar FROM "bce33vr7t" "table1" ORDER BY foobar DESC

Now these statements will work. The problem was that using a column alias in the ORDER BY clause would cause an error:

"[QuNect ODBC]Column not found: foobar
03-19-2008 01:57 PM Statements like:

SELECT * from DBID98q55xrp WHERE "date created" BETWEEN { ts '2004-10-15 19:34:32.857'} AND { ts '2004-10-15 19:34:32.859'}

perform more quickly because the proper criteria are pushed down to QuickBase.
03-18-2008 08:29 AM User fields in QuickBase can be queried in a multifacted way. You can specify the email address, screenname or negative UID. However only one value is returned by QuNect. This caused problems when querying with UID values. This problem has been fixed. Now you can use UID, screenname or email address in the WHERE clause for comparison to User fields.  
03-04-2008 03:18 PM If you tried to do a LIKE or NOT LIKE on a column with a precision greater than 255 you could get a stack overflow. Now you will get a nice arror message telling you that you cannot do a LIKE or a NOT LIKE on a column with a precision greater than 255.  
03-04-2008 12:01 PM WHERE clauses like this:

WHERE EmailAddress LIKE '' OR EmailAddress LIKE '' OR EmailAddress LIKE ''

now will run more efficently. Also this release fixes a bug in release 3.08.0102 that would return only a subset of the proper records when there was a WHERE clause with multiple comparisons.
03-01-2008 01:53 PM This release does push down criteria of LIKE clauses. It will only push down the following:

EmailAddress LIKE ''

EmailAddress NOT LIKE ''

EmailAddress LIKE ''

EmailAddress NOT LIKE ''

QuickBase has a CONTAINS restriction operator which is used to translate the first and second case to:



the third and fourth cases are translated to:

02-15-2008 12:29 PM INSERTS of records totaling over 1MB in CSV payload size  were performing poorly. In some cases duplicate records were being created.  
02-13-2008 10:44 AM Retrieval of the catalog name of a table is postponed until it is actually called for. This increases performance for SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, etc. statements that do not need to know what the table's catalog name is.  
02-13-2008 09:26 AM On large INSERTs the payload sent from QuNect ODBC for QuickBase to QuickBase may have exceeded the allowable limit imposed by QuickBase. QuNect ODBC for QuickBase now breaks up the payload into chunks no greater than 1MB in size.  
02-12-2008 04:48 PM In QuickBase there is no distinction between text fields that contain the empty string and text fields that have never been set to a value. So if you create a new record in QuickBase without setting the value of a text field, that's the same thing as setting the text field to a nonempty value and then editing the text field and removing all the data in the text field. The default behaviour of the QuNect ODBC for QuickBase driver is never to report that a text field is null. However on the connection string you can add a parameter TEXTNULL=true and then all empty string values will be reported as NULL. This means you will never see the empty string returned for a text field.  
02-09-2008 05:54 PM You can add records in an MS Access datasheet and they will not immediately appear as though they were deleted. Also you can edit existing cells in the datasheet more than once as long as you refresh the datasheet using F5 between edits on the same cell.  
02-09-2008 08:36 AM Edits made by someone else while selecting records could have caused holes in the returned recordset. This is no longer the case.  
02-08-2008 05:20 PM SQL Server INSERTS using four part names will run much faster (up to hundreds of times faster) when the insert is into a large table with many fields (hundreds) and many rows (tens of thousands)  
01-29-2008 01:22 PM Now Multi-line text fields will default to 8000 characters in size when accessed from a SQL Server linked server. In all other environments the default size is 65534. This makes inserting and updating QuickBase records in SQL Server immune to BLOB errors.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM Bulk Mailer from Kroll Software creates SQL queries that do not quote enclose table names. So now QuNect ODBC for QuickBase will work with multi-word table names that are not quote enclosed.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This fixes a bad pointer problem that only seemed to manifest itself in release builds.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This sets the default multi-line text size to 8000 characters and it does some checking for NULL pointers when flushing tables to QuickBase. This makes inserting records into SQL Server much easier.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM For FuzzyDupes from Kroll Software. The SELECT statements now allow a TOP keyword and quoted identifiers can be quoted by square brackets or double quote characters.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This fixes field lengths that were set to 65K when the application variable dbid_fid was set to a text string other than that which could be translated into a number  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This allows text fields to be LONGVARCHAR from 256 to 65K. This helps with SQL Server.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This allows field names to have the words BY and INTO in them if they are not quote enclosed.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This folds deletes into the transaction infrastructure.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM You can specify the rid on an INSERT statement and the matching record will get updated instead of inserting a new record. Also SQL Server will not report errors occuring in INSERTs and UPDATEs.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM Prevents scientific notation on numeric fields from making its way into CSV payload. This caused rounding to six significant digits on numeric fields. Now you get the full 16 or 17 digits of precision.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This allows you to do insert, update and delete statements completely within an OPENQUERY in SQL Server. You just need to use INSERTOQ or UPDATEOQ or DELETEOQ instead of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This fixes a bug where the delete optimization might have affected joins being properly executed.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM This fixes a bug where the delete optimization would delete the wrong records potentially.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM NOT IN as well as IN for push down of criteria for speed optimization. Also the DELETE statements are pushed down with queries going to QuickBase that are not long OR statements enumerating each record to be deleted.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM Fixed bug where multiple IN clauses caused one or more to be set to the empty string.  
01-29-2008 01:02 PM The optimization for IN in the WHERE clause only worked if there was only one part of the WHERE clause. Now works for all parts.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Just changed SQLINTEGER to SQLLEN in the function that processes the IN criteria of the WHERE clause. This was necessary for the 64 bit version.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM IN criteria in WHERE clauses are pushed down to QuickBase. Also error reporting on non-XML responses is better when XML responses are expected.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM USEFIDS connection string parameter will force all field names to be of the form fidn.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Better error messages, universal parsing of multi-word field names.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Application variables of the form dbid_fid will control the nature of text fields of fid fid. If this can be interpreted as a number between 1 and 255 inclusive then the field will have that precision and it will be of type VARCHAR instead of LONGVARCHAR  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Fixed inserts like:
INSERT INTO "bce33vr7t" (text field   , number ) values ('foodooer', 55) where the column names have spaces. This happens in SQL Server linked servers with four part names for tables.
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Fix for distinct on select statements or more than one column for sorting.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Fix for time of day fields  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Functionality for SQLSetStmtAttr with SQL_MAX_ROWS implemented correctly at the SQLFetch level. Also fixes joins on NUMERIC fields  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Functionality for SQLSetStmtAttr with SQL_MAX_ROWS  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Truncation of text fields to cbPrecision and truncation of timestamp and date fields to after 1/1/1900 or before 1/1/3000.  
01-29-2008 12:55 PM Fixes issues with the catalog functions and how they return table names. Now the name returned matches the table name specified when asking for the catalog.  
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Fields in:

Fields to Extract:

Name for the new table:
Items in the new table are called:

When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.

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